Demystifying Backstage
Monday 5th August, 2019
OSMaD is thrilled to announce the second in its series of masterclasses - a sequence of classes and workshops to help develop your technique, learn new skills and connect with the OSMaD family.
Have you ever thought about working backstage in a show? Or just wondered “how did they do that?” Have you ever just wanted to be able to speak the language of the Backstage Crew?
Demystifying Backstage takes you through all of the backstage roles and show just how integral these people are to the success of a show. You will learn gain vital, transferrable skills and experience, that you can take with you into working backstage, on stage, or even helping to put things on stage!
Join Murray Johnstone, Manager of Technical Training & Development at Arts Centre Melbourne, on this special private backstage tour of the State Theatre and learn just how much goes on behind the curtain to produce a show!
Tickets no longer available.
The masterclass will be held at the State Theatre, Art Centre Melbourne 6pm