The Scarlet Pimpernel


The Scarlet Pimpernel is an action adventure show based on Baroness Orcy’s 20th Century novel. Set at the height of the Reign of Terror during the French revolution, it tells the story of Sir Percy Blakeney, an English aristocrat who, having been betrayed by his French wife, becomes the heroic and selfless Scarlet Pimpernel. Sir Percy, along with his six closest friends, perform daring exploits as they rescue others from the guillotine — all while having to outwit and outfox Chauvelin, a cunning and ruthless man on a campaign to see every French aristocrat annihilated, and stop anyone who might get in his way.

The Scarlet Pimpernel is an exploration of contrasts: truth and façade; loyalty and betrayal; and what that looks like in individuals, in groups and in society. It is the story of three people who all have different perspectives and motives in life but their endgame is the same. Loyalty.

In this world, the stakes are high and the threat is real.

Production Team

Director Penn Valk
Music Director Matthew Nutley
Choreographer Joel Anderson
Assistant Director/Fight Choreographer DJ Pearce
Set/Lighting Designer Brenton Van Vliet
AV Content Designer Brenton Van Vliet
Costume Designer Dirk Strachan
Production Manager Tristan Lawrence
Stage Manager David Barrell
Assistant Stage Manager Emily Gregg
Assistant Stage Manager Lachlan Tingate



Principal Players
Percy / Grappin / SP Mitchell Stewart
Marguerite Grace Kingsford
Chauvelin Omar Moustafa
Armand Sam Fung
Marie Candice O'Brian
Percy's Bounders
Ozzy Tim Haughton
Dewhurst Geoffrey Winter
Elton Dirk Strachan
Farleigh James Oorloff
Hal Tom Liszukiewicz
Ben Harley Efron
Prince of Wales / Robespierre Dan Czech
Tussaud Samuel Simpson
Mercier Campell Sewell
Coupeau Benedict Robinson
Jessup Daniel Ischia
St Cyr Luke Peverelle
Sentry Matthew Sheahan

Christina Prickett, Caitlin Lamont, Louise Reeder, Sophie Cashin, Holly Haines, Lucy Mason, Sandra Jason, Ariella Gordon

Mitchell Stewart as Percy

Show Dates

Thursday 8 Dec - 7:30pm - PREVIEW
Friday 9 Dec - 7:30pm - OPENING NIGHT
Saturday 10 Dec - 2:00pm
Sunday 11 Dec - 5:00pm
Wednesday 14 Dec - 7:30pm
Thursday 15 Dec - 7:30pm
Friday 16 Dec - 7:30pm
Saturday 17 Dec - 2:00pm
Saturday 17 Dec - 7:30pm